Health and Artisanal Gold Mining
By Dr. Paleah Moher, Human and Ecosystem Health, AGC

Generally sustainable solutions support the ASGM
sector’s economy while also addressing the associated health problems. This can
be realized through inexpensive safer mining practices that come along with
increasing degrees of education and formalisation. Fortunately there are often
economic incentives to drive such improvements.
Mercury is one of the main health concerns of ASGM. The use of mercury
to amalgamate and extract metals from rock has been in practice for over 5000
years , mainly because it is a simple, expedient, and relatively inexpensive method. Today mercury-free extraction processes are
readily available, as are simple mercury reduction technologies.
The release of mercury into the environment from ASGM is not only a
serious health issue for the local people but it also contributes towards
global health problems. When mercury is released into the air, it may travel long distances
before it is deposited into waterways and soils. When this occurs, bacteria can
convert mercury into an even more toxic form called methyl-mercury, which can
bio-accumulate up the food-web. This results in predatory fish, such as tuna
and marlin, having high mercury concentrations.
Mercury is a well known neurotoxin.
When mercury enters the brain it causes permanent brain damage resulting in
dizziness, difficulty in concentration, muscle twitching, poor muscle
coordination, memory loss, blurred vision, and numbness in the hands and feet. These symptoms become much more pronounced
when mercury exposure occurs in a child or fetus because the developing brain
is still forming and therefore more vulnerable to mercury toxicity.
The degree of mercury
toxicity depends on the level of mercury exposure, as shown here in order of decreasing seriousness:
· Permanent overt brain damage
· Seizures
· Vision and hearing loss
· Delayed childhood development
· Language disorders
· Deficits in fine motor
· Memory issues
Often children in ASGM
communities will develop mercury poisoning symptoms long before adults, even when their exposure is lower. Children
may be exposed to mercury when mercury amalgamation and burning occurs in a
home or near a village or worse when they are directly involved in amalgamation.
If mercury-free processing is not
available, mercury releases into the air can be minimized with the use of
mercury-catching retorts. What is
particularly important however, is for children and pregnant women to stay far
away from mercury-related ASGM activities and to minimize their exposure to the
toxic substance.

mercury gets a lot of attention due its global reach, ASGM is also associated
with occupational safety concerns, poor respiratory health, and infectious
diseases. Occupational health hazards
such as shaft collapses and dust related lung diseases can be addressed through
improved mining engineering and personal protective equipment. These safety
measures can often be implemented by the leaders of ASGM sites and are
therefore most readily implemented when there is a significant degree of organization
and formalization. Fortunately, increasing organisation and formalisation also
often results in increased gold recoveries and so there can be powerful
economic drivers to contribute to improving health and making these
improvements sustainable.
of the health issues of ASGM communities are related to the socio-economic conditions
of the population rather than the mining activities themselves. For example malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis,
malnutrition, inadequate access to clean water and sanitation are often associated
with ASGM communities. Education and
awareness, activities that also can come with increased organisation, are key
methods in addressing such problems.
health issues surrounding ASGM must be holistically addressed in order to
create sustainable changes within the sector. Such actions are a part of the
mission of the Artisanal Gold Council and require continued collaboration
between members of artisanal mining communities, governments, health care
providers, and all of the other stakeholders involved in this global industry.
This is often realized via inexpensive safer mining methods which come along with boosting degrees of education and formalisation. Luckily you will find frequently economic bonuses to push such improvements. Skinny Fiber